
What is wrong with people?

So this morning, I'm driving to work, and traffic starts slowing down in a really unsual spot. I figure there's an accident, on account of the horrible fog, and proceed to crawl through at about 5mph. I turned on the radio to see if there was any info on what was going on. Apparently there was a 3-car accident blocking the left lane- my lane- so I decided to switch to the right lane... which was a challenge as no one was kind enough to let me in, so I gave up. Continues to crawl until I was about a half a mile from the crash site. Threw onmy turn signal, and was blocked from moving to the right lane, until finally someone had enough decency to let me in (thank you whoever you are). Things start to lighten up almost instantly, and I'm building speed. Turns out, the guy I was behind was going super slow, but had about 8-10 car lengths between him and the car in front of him... and it was the same for that car as well. This was frustrating enough, but then one of the people who wouldn't let me in to the right lane (who is now in front of me) decides it's a good idea to slow down and check out the accident... which isn't blocking either lane, it's in the turn lane.

Listen, I'm the type of guy who likes to watch the "Saw"-type movies with tons of gore and all that, but I've yet to see an accident where anything like that was present. Most every single accident I've seen has been a minor event, and definitely nothing worth stopping or slowing down for. Yet anytime there is an accident, or a car broken down, or even someone pulled over by a cop, it seems every driver besides me has to look to see what's happening. PEOPLE! STOP LOOKING!!! THERE'S NOTHING TO SEE AT ALL!!!! You're slowing everyone down behind you, which makes them (and me) late to work. Stop being so incredibly selfish! Traffic flow depends on everyone being as selfless as possible, which is not something anyone will ever teach you... you have to figure it out for yourself.

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